Radon gas is a gas that has no color or odor. It is naturally formed in the Earth’s crust when uranium is mined. If it seeps to the surface, it can go through foundations and subfloors to enter homes and buildings. Unfortunately, most people do not even know it’s there until radon tests are performed. However, once this radon is in your home, it will be trapped, causing a significant increase in radon levels and thus some health problems according to radon mitigation Denver. It can increase your risk for lung cancer and has even been linked to numerous cancer deaths.
You need to be aware of how dangerous Radon is for your family members. Radon is estimated to have been the cause of thousands of deaths every year, both from diseases and from diseases that can cause death. It is essential that everyone test their home for radiation to prevent such things from happening to themselves and family members. Radon is dangerous for pets and it can be dangerous for visitors if they stay longer. A house that has just been rebuilt will probably require radon testing as it is an older house in a well-established neighborhood. Radon will come through the cracks in the walls, floors, and windows in your house. There are no protective barriers that can keep radon out of your house.
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